Ditch PivotTables — unlock the power of GROUPBY and PIVOTBY
About the session
Explore the full potential of Excel's GROUPBY and PIVOTBY functions — everything from basic usage to advanced tricks. Also gain a detailed understanding of how to create comprehensive PivotTable-style reports.
You'll learn the following:
- Create a summary table of your data with the GROUPBY function.
- One-formula Pivot Reports: Use PIVOTBY to create dynamic PivotTable-like summaries with just a single formula, ideal for streamlined reporting.
- Dynamic Percent Calculations: Use PERCENTOF with PIVOTBY to quickly percentage distribution of values within grouped data.
- Advanced techniques: Combine other Excel functions and features for next level single-formula reports.
Look forward to GROUPBY-ing and PIVOTBY-ing like a pro. Or at least, you'll know what those words mean!
With Alan Murray
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