The Power Stack
Power up your Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power BI skills to become a data analysis and transformation virtuoso!
Don't panic! A guide to error handling in Power Query
Tackle Power Query errors head-on by turning frustrating mistakes into learning moments, plus learn about priceless debugging methods.
The magic of the CONCATENATEX function in Power BI
Uncover the power of CONCATENATEX in Power BI to enhance reports with visuals, itemised breakdowns, and simplified calculations.
From mockups to masterpiece: Designing Power BI reports that delight stakeholders
Explore the importance of mockup creation in Power BI, capturing stakeholder needs early to align expectations before the final report.
Find out how Power Query can be used to automate and optimise your reporting processes.
Scalable enterprise reporting with Excel & Power BI
Learn how the ReportStudio add-in can enhance Excel when dealing with very large datasets
With April Dunnam, Microsoft
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